||Aum Sri
Ramakrishna Sharanam||
Aum Namo
So here I am in
2013, which means that the world didn’t end as expected on 21/12/12, so I take
this opportunity in wishing you and your families a blessed and spiritual 2013.
With so many systems of thought, scientists etc. still trying to ascertain the
cause and beginning of the universe... then, how is it that one can decisively
claim the time to the end of this creation? As students or aspirants of
Vedanta, we gather confidence from the experiences and realisations of great Yogis
to know that we are nitya (eternal).
Although we have
migrated into the New Year, some incidents in the last few days of the year
gone by still leave a bitter taste in my mouth... so much so that like the
summer heat, it evaporated portions of my faith. I refer to the horrific gang-rape
incident in India - bringing to light the cracks and erosion in the fabric of
many societies. Many have asked: but this occurs everywhere and why does this
incident trouble you personally? I think more because I have looked to India as
the bastion of all that is noble and moral. Being the custodian of ancient
truths; and rich, noble and lofty ideals of perfection, I always thought that
she will lead by example.
Land of the
Ganga and Himalayas; and touched by the feet of Gods and holy men - today
lays siege to crimes of passion. All these thoughts started to form clouds of
despondency and rain heavily upon my ideas that India will show the way.
However, the Lord did not let me cross into 2013 in such a state, and
enlightenment came in the form of springs by Swami Vimokshananda, and the
readings of Swami Vivekananda which re-hydrated my faith and encased it secure
in the loving grace of the Divine.
On 30 December
2012, Swami Vimokshananda corrected my first error. In His Tirukurral class on
that day, He shattered my misconception that God was partial. In seeing India
as the holy land or God's chosen land would mean He did not have any interest
in the other countries. Why then should we worship a partial God? But God
is not partial and all are seen equal in the eyes of God. The next
question that will logically follow is why then did Ganga, Kailas and so many
avatars come to India when this entire creation comes from God alone? The
answer simply is: they prayed for it. Through the great tapasya and austerities
of Yogis, who had a burning desire to find God, India has benefitted
(from their sacrifice).
(Vimokshananda) on Kalpatru Day (1 January) then put my remaining doubts to
death when He said... this entire world is a kalpana (a dream /it is not
real). We must not place emphasis on all that is unreal but concentrate on the
only real which is Brahman (God). In that moment, all fell into place and
everything made sense. In my study of Swami Vivekananda's life, I have
constantly come across reference to the eternal India. His reference was not to
the physical land which was being decayed by time, plagued by poverty, disease
and other challenges that come with having a population exceeding a
billion. Swamiji, Himself being the awakener of the world, used India as
a metaphor, for divinity. Man, who has 3 tendencies according to Swamij,
(animal, human, divine), the sole aim is to manifest the divinity within.
If we break-up the word India into two [in- internal] and [dia- light], it
refers to that divinity which is within.
Swamiji once
said to His brother disciple: “I don’t know anything about your religion, all I
know is that my heart is expanding." Once after 3 days of continuously
speaking to a group of people without being offered even a glass of water, a
nearby cobbler having seen this approached Swamiji with the intent of offering
Him food. He was so afraid of being punished by the King, because of
being a low caste and offering a Sannyasin food, he offered only the
ingredients so that Swamiji could prepare it Himself. Swamiji heard nothing of
it and asked him to prepare the meals for him. After this experience, Swamiji
declared that in the huts of the lowly lives the eternal India.
When we manifest
the divinity that is within us, from our hearts will gush forth compassion,
love, respect, honesty, integrity, truth and peace - all of which the world
seems to be lacking in huge proportions.
We have become a
buffet society, drawn by the horses of our senses. Infatuated by the colours,
scents and tastes of the variety of dishes, we pile our plates even with things
we can’t eat... all out of greed resulting in obesity, chronic diseases and
laziness. In the same way... we expose our lives to unnecessary
attractions, dulling our minds, allowing it to become a breeding ground for
base thoughts and actions.
Like in a
restaurant where the best dishes are never on the buffet menu, and are always A’la
Carte distinctly marked SQ; divinity comes by special order only and can
only be enjoyed by those who have worked for it.
Therefore for
2013, it should be our intent to clear all the weeds and debris that occupies
our heart and restore it to its glory of being the home of God. Take
advice from Sri Tulsidas to clean the mirror of our minds, so that it will
reflect the God in our hearts. It is then, and only then, will we start to see
the eternal India 'rise like the phoenix from the ashes' of years of misery in
every nook and cranny of the world. The Ganga will flow in every land,
giving rise to Jyothir Lingas on every continent. Shivas shall then walk upon
the earth.
May this year,
the year of Swami Vivekananda bring awakening and illumination to every man, so he
may understand his true nature, is my sincere prayer.
PS: Be sure to
tune into Radio Hindvani this weekend for special programming dedicated to the
150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
91.5 I PMB: 102.3 I Audio-Stream: www.hindvani.co.za
11 JANUARY 2013: 10-11am I SATURDAY, 12 JANUARY 2013:
13 JANUARY 2013: 6-9am I MONDAY, 14 JANUARY 2013: 6-7pm
Clips, Live Interaction with Swami Vimokshananda, Themed Music, Messages By
Swami Vimokshananda , Swami Saradaprabhananda & Pravrajika Ishtaprana
Mataji, Tributes By Youth Of The Ramakrishna Centre & Sri Sarada Devi
Ashram, Audio Documentary: The Story Of Swami Vivekananda - The SA Perspective,
Plans & Programmes of The Ramakrishna Centre of SA in 2013,
Book Giveaways, Readings from The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna,
Discourses on the Relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s Teachings in The 21st
With Love and
Prayers Always
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